The club shall be known as “The Liskeard and District Camera Club"
The club shall be affiliated to the “Cornwall Photographic Alliance” and/or the “The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain” through the Western Counties Photographic Federation depending on committee decisions for the current year.
The objects of the club shall be the furtherance of the Photographic Art and Technique amongst amateur workers and others, by exchanging friendly ideas and mutual assistance among members, as well as organizing and holding demonstrations, competitions etc.
Membership of the club shall be open to any person interested in, or practicing photography as an amateur or professional, who agrees to actively support the club’s objectives. Membership of the club implies an undertaking to comply and abide by the rules set out here.
Subscriptions shall be such amounts as are from time to time determined by the Annual General Meeting or by a Special General Meeting. Subscriptions become due at the commencement of each season. Members failing to pay their subscription by 31st October shall have the privilege of membership suspended, and if still unpaid by 31st December, shall cease to be members, but may be re-elected at the committee’s discretion.
Members joining on or after 31st December shall pay half the current subscription.
No person shall take part in a club competition unless his/her subscription is paid.
Each member will be given a membership number each season on paying his or her subscription. This number is to be the only means of identification on work for the club competition entries, and the club Competitions Manager reserves the right to obliterate any other means of identifying the author on their prints or images.
The affairs of the club shall be managed by a committee consisting of: Chair, Vice Chair, Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer, Hon Competitions Manager/Chairman External Competitions Panel, Secretary to The External Competitions Panel, Two Panel Assistants, One other Panel Member, Hon Program Secretary, Web Master and a minimum of four committee members. The newly elected officers will commence their new roles during the week following the final meeting of the season.
Five shall form a quorum.
The Annual general Meeting shall take place during the months of April or May each year, depending on planned program activities. Business shall include: Minutes of previous A.G.M., Annual report from officers, Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, Election of Officers and Committee, Motions put to A.G.M by members and the voting on these motions.
All images must be entirely the work of the photographer. No clip art, third party elements or editing by another person are allowed.
All photographic processes and techniques are eligible (subject to certain individual competition rules) providing that the photographer owns the copyright to all elements of the picture.
A photograph (DPI or print) may be entered into a maximum of 3 club competitions with the exception of the Oatey and Chairman's competitions. After this it will be disqualified from further internal competitions.
A photograph (DPI or print) that has won a competition may not be re-entered into the same competition.
A "entry deadline" date will be shown in the programme for each competition. Any submissions after this date will be allowed at the discretion of the competition organiser.
Entries will only be accepted from current paid up members except the Chairman's competition which is open to prospective members.
All entries must have a title. Untitled entries will not be accepted and cannot be given a title by the competition organiser.
Members must indicate which is their 1st, 2nd etc entry choices. This is in case there are too many entries to be manageable for the judge and, for example, only 1 or 2 entries per member is allowed . What constitutes a manageable number is agreed between the competition organiser and the judge.
Entries (projected and/or print) must be named with competition name, choice number, title, and member number.
Entry files should be in .jpg format and sized to a maximum 1600 x 1200 pixels (landscape orientation) or 1200 pixels on the vertical side (portrait). Colour space to be sRGB
These specifications match the native resolution of the club projector.
It is the responsibility of the entrant to prepare their images as above. Members are also advised to calibrate their monitors.
Prints may be commercially or home printed.
Prints should be no larger than 20" x 16" or 40 x 50cm including mount (with the exception of the Oatey Cup and specific competitions for smaller prints).
There should be no velcro, pins etc. on the back of the mount which could damage other prints.
The subject is decided by the Chairperson at the AGM and judged by same early in the next season. Entries must therefore be taken during the summer recess.
Colour or monochrome - must be mounted up to 40 x 50cm.
Two printed entries per-member.
The competition is open to current and prospective members.
Maximum of 3 entries entered on the night.
Print size up to A4, unmounted, titles not needed.
Members will secretly vote on paper slips for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The competition organiser will give each print a number.
Members must not vote for their own entry.
An entry is a themed panel of 3 images - subject is open.
Up to 4 entries per-member across both competitons. e.g. You may enter 4 entries to one competition, or 2 entries to one and 2 entries to the other.
Printed entries to be individually mounted.
Digital entries to be merged into one file.
There is no lower limit on size but print plus mount must not exceed 20" x 16"/ 50 x 40cm.
Entries in either competition must conform to the PAGB definition of Nature as follows:
PAGB Nature Definition - Issue 1, Feb 2013
Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena.
Photographs of animals, which are domesticated, and photographs of cultivated or hybrid plants are ineligible.
Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable for nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks adapting to an environment modified by humans, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, reclaiming it.
Any manipulation or modification is limited to minor retouching and must not alter the truth of the original scene.
associated with this definition - Issue 2, Apr 2014
PAGB Competitions are not Wildlife Competitions, unless otherwise specified, and Nature photographers frequently take pictures of animals under “controlled conditions” in order to record species or behaviour that would be very difficult or impossible to record in the wild.
This might even include microscopic subjects, which have to be anaesthetised. Such photographs are eligible for entry to PAGB Competitions.
Animals in reserves and wildlife parks and zoos, are permitted provided there is minimal evidence of humans.
So too are "falconer's" birds although, of course, only minor retouching is permitted which would not, for example, include removing jesses in post processing.
Also permitted are pictures of “wild” flowers growing in parkland or “wild” gardens provided these have not been modified by such cultivation.
It is obvious that creatures showing poorer condition because of their captivity are likely to be marked less favourably by nature judges.
Image manipulation is limited to levels, curves, saturation and cropping.
Both competitions will be judged on the same evening.
Members may enter up to 3 images in each competition.
Prints must be mounted. There is no lower limit on size but print plus mount must not exceed 20" x 16"/ 50 x 40cm.
Prints and projected images must be in colour.
All entries must conform to the PAGB definition of Monochrome as follows:
"A black and white image or one which has been modified by the addition of a single tone to the entire image is defined as a Monochrome Image." e.g. a sepia tone applied to the whole image qualifies. Split toning or colour popping does not qualify.
Prints must be mounted. There is no lower limit on size but print plus mount must not exceed 20" x 16"/ 50 x 40cm.
Members may enter up to 3 prints
Entry is limited to members who have not won any competition in current season, or the previous season. (For the Brian Price Theme competition, this counts as the competition as a whole, not the individual themes).
Up to 3 print per eligible member.
Prints must be unmounted.
There is no lower limit on size but print plus mount must not exceed 20" x 16"/ 50 x 40cm.
These will be the end of season competitions - "members own favourite/best images they have taken during the past year"
Both competitions will be judged on the same evening.
Two entries per-member in both or either competition.
Images entered for either trophy must not have won any of that season's competitions.
Images must have been taken during the previous year.
Prints must be mounted. There is no lower limit on size but print plus mount must not exceed 20" x 16"/ 50 x 40cm.
Three themes will be announced at the beginning of the club year
Up to 2 entries per-member, for each theme
Entries will be printed, unmounted
Entries must be a seascape or landscape from Cornwall or Devon
Up to 2 entries per-member
Entries must be printed and mounted
(Document updated August 2024)