Hi there! I've been stuck with a Canon kit lens (18-55mm) and a cheap telephoto lens (28-200mm) that I bought second hand off someone for very little to go with my ageing (but still awesome) Canon 40D. Now if you read any sort of camera magazines or blogs you`ll eventually come across people talking about prime lenses and why you should be using them - Better quality, make you better photographers etc etc
Now I`ve been meaning to buy one for over a year now but other (apparently) more important things to spend my money keep cropping up and my new lens kept being put off and off.....
Until last week when i thought its gotta be done, so i plonked down my cash and FINALLY bought myself this lil beaut
The Canon 50mm 1.8 or as its known the Nifty Fifty - Not only is its Canons cheapest prime lens (Get it well under £100 if you shop around) but generally called THE bargain for any Canon owner.
Awesome for portraits due to its low F number and shallow depth of field (meaning you can get the nice blurred backgrounds found on all nice portrait pictures, not to mention great for exercise since no zoom means more walking!
Unfortunately the weather's been miserable since I've got it so I've not had much chance to use it, but had a half hour break in the weather this morning so it got a quick run out, pictures are not gonna be masterpieces but it has given me a chance to give it a go!